Bangalore – Garden city??

The city of Bangalore was always known for its spectacular view because of the greenery. For the past few years, it has been losing its greenery which has been getting replaced with mountains of garbage. Our city generates more than 4500 tonnes of garbage on a daily basis and most of it is dumped in the landfills that are present in the outskirts of the city. Though this was an effective solution at the time, it wasn’t a permanent one. In addition, the amount of garbage has been increasing from one day to the next and we are running out of land to dump it on or bury it under. And as a result, people have begun dumping it on the streets or any free spot of land that they can find. What can be done? What are the various solutions that can be implemented by the common man to contribute towards the ending of this colossal mess? This is one of the areas that I hope to discuss in the future.

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